Admission to St. Joseph by-the-Sea is competitive and based primarily on the student’s performance on the Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools Exam (TACHS Exam).
All applicants are required to take this standardized aptitude and achievement test. Selection is based on scores obtained on the exam.
Baptized Roman Catholic students of Staten Island (or those who will be) who have received (or those who will receive) First Communion and Confirmation and indicate Sea as their first or second choice are considered for admission.
The number of boys and girls accepted into the freshman year is based on our overall enrollment objectives. Usually, 200 boys and 200 girls are admitted.
St. Joseph by-the-Sea is not staffed to provide for IEP students with special needs.
Seamless Online Learning
All students receive a Sea iPad, included with the price of tuition, which is upgraded to the newest model every two years.
One Of The Lowest Tuitions in the Region
We are proud to offer students and families one of the lowest tuition rates in the region, and we also offer sibling discounts.
Entrance to Sea is heavily dependant upon the TACHS Exam. This year the exam will be held on November 3rd.
Graduation Requirements
St. Joseph by-the-Sea has moved away from the Regents Model in an effort to better prepare its students for what’s to come in college. We’ve recently formed a Committee of experts to create our brand new curriculum. In order to graduate students must complete to below requirements.
4 years of English
4 years of Global Studies
4 years of Mathematics
4 years of Science; Biology, Chemistry, and either Physics or Earth Science;
3 years of Modern Foreign Language and pass a Comprehensive Foreign Language Examination;
4 years of Religious Studies and pass the Religion Competency Exam in senior year;
4 years of Physical Education;
One semester of Health;
One semester PSAT Math;
One semester PSAT English;
One semester American History Writing Lab
One semester of Art;
One semester of Music;
Senior Courses in Writing and Speech or an approved substitute.