LV Bundle Bag Raffle


Enter for your chance to win a Brand new Cream Colored Louis Vuitton Bundle Bag valued at $2,970.  Chances are $25 each or 3 chances for $50 PLEASE NOTE: To receive the the discounted rate of 3 chances for $50 you must use promo code 3for50 at checkout.  Only 300 chances will be sold.  Please select your numbers below.  Numbers in RED have already been taken.  Winner will be announced live at our St. Patrick’s Day Dance on Saturday, March 8th.  Winner need not be present to win.  Online sales will stop on March 6th.  If all chances are not sold online, remaining chances will be available to purchase in person at the event.  Must be 18 years of age or older to participate.  All money raised to benefit St. Joseph by-the-Sea High School.

Please be patient. We are picking winners!


Enter for your chance to win a Brand new Cream Colored Louis Vuitton Bundle Bag valued at $2,970.  Chances are $25 each or 3 chances for $50 PLEASE NOTE: To receive the the discounted rate of 3 chances for $50 you must use promo code 3for50 at checkout.  Only 300 chances will be sold.  Please select your numbers below.  Numbers in RED have already been taken.  Winner will be announced live at our St. Patrick’s Day Dance on Saturday, March 8th.  Winner need not be present to win.  Online sales will stop on March 6th.  If all chances are not sold online, remaining chances will be available to purchase in person at the event.  Must be 18 years of age or older to participate.  All money raised to benefit St. Joseph by-the-Sea High School.